Sunday, August 07, 2005

He Got Me

Well it's near the end of the weekend and I've got another 2 weeks of playscheme's to look forward too. I must say I'm thrilled at the thought, I'm so excited that I could go and support the Calgary Flames..... Seriously though being half way through seems like a godsend. I've never ever felt like this before about Playscheme's, which is a bit of a concern, but he it's life and I've got to get on with it.

Friday saw me on the mini scheme again, and yes I got attacked. A child in a wheelchair with a reach range of 180 degree's managed to attack my hands whilst I was pushing the wheelchair he was sitting in. I've got scratch marks on my arms and hands, which though not too sore right now can be. I've noticed since he did them that any sort of heat and my arms and hands start to get very sore very quickly. To add insult to injury this child managed to rip my hooded top that I had on. It was unprovoked, and so I had no idea this was going to happen. I did manage to figure out what the cause was, but it's too late once the horse has bolted. It was a good job that I managed to realise what his intentions were straight away or he'd have been biting my fingers off.

Saturday saw me at a wedding. It was an old friend from Uni, to whom I was very close for a long time. We were probably each others best friends during the time at Uni, and I have to thank her for all the support she gave me at that time and since. If I was to say that at one point she was the equal of Lisa, you can understand how much she meant to me. We however lost touch and hadn't spoken to each other till late last year, when I found her online and emailed her. Since then a couple of emails and more recently a couple of visits have brought us back together. She looked stunning in her dress and I must admit that I was a tad jealous, but that's another tale for me to tell. It wasn't my place to let it effect me, which in turn could affect her day.

The wedding went very well and was made all the more better by the company of another uni friend whom I speak to regulary, but haven't seen for 5 or 6 years. I guess that I've let that to long, but things always seem to stop me from going to see her. It was such a nice day, in a beautiful setting.

Tomorrow I'm having an ECG done at my doctor's on the recommendation of the endocrinologist. I'm not sure why she's asked me to do this, but I suspect it's something to do with her suprise that my resting heart beat was recorded at 60 bpm last week. This was after I admitted that I don't do half as much exercise as I should and about 8 times less than I used to. She also seems to think that while checking my heart she encountered a skipped beat. I've never had any heart trouble so to speak, but I guess there is always a first.

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