Tuesday, October 18, 2005

It's a start

So it began yesterday, I went into the office early, mainly in an attempt to catch my line manager and discuss some of the things I had on my mind after the weekend, but as she was on a training course that sort of went out of the window. Still I managed to get some prepwork done for the work ahead, I spoke with the project manager instead, but only in outline, which I should expect of him.

I wrote letters to a couple of people as way of thanks and also to return the questionaire. I then went to school and completed another job, which I'd started before I left there in May. Well I did what they wanted, the second phase will come along to edit the work to make it more friendly for everyone to use. Add to that, I have added an extra couple of hours onto my time sheet there by suggesting that while doing some work there this morning I go clean the mini-bus I'll be gaining more time, which equates to more money.

After that I returned to work for a visit to arrange even more work there to fill in my hours. That went exceptionally well and I've got to report back to the social worker today how good that went. I think I may have found someone who will really enjoy our time out. I've got to arrange times as such, and sort out where to pick up from though, but it's going to be benefiting to the young person as well as myself.

On reaching home I had plenty of emails, mainly from Barnardo's pertaining not only to the previous weekend's confernece, but also a national committee meeting in January. I told you I had been invited. So I guess it's going to be another day off work depending on where it is, more miles in the expenses account. Still at least I've gone forward and done something. I feel so refreshed by all of this, I just hope it lasts, and that I can maintain forward momentum. It's a start that has been done before, and one which seems always to fall down. I'm getting better at it though, but time will tell if I'm ever going to be successful.

I'm certainly thinking of either next week or the week after of having my hair cut, don't know too much what I want to do, but I may put in some colour and that's going to be the fun part of it. I don't know what colour to put in.......

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