Wednesday, May 31, 2006


You go to work, and you have set hours to work. You get paid for those hours that you work and anything over you can either have them paid also or take off time to make up the hours. I have no option, but to take time off, but that's nothing that bothers me too much, I've known that for a while now.

There is however days when you wish you were paid for the times you work longer than you should and yesterday was one of them. It was a strange sort of day, in that I went into work early to sort out the previous weeks admin. I would do that on a Monday normally, but due to that being a Bank Holiday here, it was Tuesday this week. The intention was to do that and speak to the project manager over my decision not to drive the minibus any more. What happens? The day becomes elongated and I end up working all the way through till 5.45pm.... That was from 10.30. Ok, it's not a long day by any stretch of the imagination and the work I did wasn't physically taxing, but what it lacked in that situation it more than gained in the fact that it's going add so many more hours to my time sheet, and I'll end up being moaned at for increasing the amount of toil I'll have to take up sooner rather than later.

It can't be said that I'm not trying to reduce the hours I have in terms of over time, I took last Friday off to go shopping with my mum to reduce the hours and now this week will see me probably make up the hours that I took off last week. The swing and roundabout situation occurs and I take the flak. Still it does mean that later in the year, or should I say after play schemes I'll be taking time off again to enjoy myself.

So what else happened yesterday? Well I spent the night with my neice as she stopped over at my mum's. It was a really nice pleasant evenning to be honest. I bought tea for everyone, including my sister, as she shared a portion of fish and chips with my mum, whilst Amelia had her normal sweet and sour chicken. Once that had been digested and a ice cream lolly ate, we settled down for 10 minutes watching the end of a re-run of "The Gladiators", she's not seen them before seeing as she's only 9. So with that over it was into another room for me to finish a chapter of Harry Potter, before we returned to the living room and started to play cards. We sat down and played for well over an hour, and although she took both my mum and I to the preverbial cleaners, it was fun just to sit down and spend time with her.

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