Thursday, July 13, 2006

Keeping Busy

Well this first day of the week of sick leave has been quite normal, though relaxing. I've done very little, well that's a lie. I went out to a local water park (not the play type, just a lake to be honest). Anyway I didn't find what I wanted, but had a nice relaxing walk around the lake, and enjoyed the weather. Then on the way home I stopped at a deli, and found they were selling Hershey chocolate bars, so I grabbed on of them, and enjoyed the little treat.

This afternoon I cut my mum's lawn's so that kept me busy and gave me some more exercise. Tomorrow I'm going to be taking mum to Chesterfield to the market there. It's a hell of a long way just for a market, but it's a drive for me. As I've said before I enjoy driving and this drive will be down A road's which will be nice and relaxing rather than just pure motorway driving. It will also enable me to stop for lunch at some point. Neither my mum or I have been to Chesterfield before other than for stops on coaches or trains. I do know that the church spire in the town has a crooked spire. It's quite odd looking to be honest.

There you go, in all it's crooked twisted glory.......

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